Position: Instructional Technology Specialist, Model Schools
School: Monroe One BOCES
Years as an Educator: 15
Fun/Zany/Interesting fact: She has 4 kids and almost 3 master's degrees
Favorite Book Creator Feature: being able to recording a video of yourself.
Memorable moments and visual elements
Last summer we ran a program for educators called: Professional Reading EdVenture! Learning experience where educators from the region joined in a summer reading program. Through a curated selection of 16 professional development books, we read and reflected using Book Creator.
We also had opportunities to engage in conversation through collegial circles. By the end of the summer teachers had new, innovative ideas to improve their teaching and learning practices. You can explore the website we used to coordinate over the summer and make a copy of the Book Creator reflection template below.
Goals and aspirations for the upcoming year
This year, I am supporting our districts with the use of Book Creator in their K-5 STEAM programs and will be running PD that showcases the ways I have used Book Creator to document their learning.
I use Book Creator in conjunction with BeeBots, fostering a deeper understanding of coding concepts and robotics while building digital literacy. It allows students to engage in meaningful reflection, documentation, and storytelling throughout their learning process. In their book, students capture each stage of their design thinking as they plan, test, and iterate on their BeeBot activities.
The combination of visual and audio elements makes reflection more dynamic and accessible.Kate Rice
Connect with our Community
Join our vibrant community of educators, and discover how Book Creator can elevate your teaching methods. If you’d like to learn more about how Book Creator can support your educational goals, visit our website. Don't miss your chance to become an Ambassador—applications open on September 3, 2024!

Hotler joined Book Creator as the Education Community Manager in February, 2023. He has 15 years of experience in education as a teacher, coach, and consultant in North America and Europe. His mission is to build and empower communities of educators who are passionate about teaching with Book Creator.